Agenda 2030, blev adopteret i 2015 af samtlige af FN's medlemslande, inklusiv Danmark, er en omfattende plan med henblik på at skabe sig kontrol over alle mineraler, vand, planter, dyr, produktion, energi, information og dertil også mennesker.
Age of Fear: Psychiatry's Reign of Terror (2012) | In psychiatry, history always repeats itself
“If some doctors harm—torture rather than treat, murder the soul rather than minster the body—that is, in part, because society, through the state, asks them, and pays them, to do so. “We saw it happen in Nazi Germany, and we hanged many of the doctors. We see it happen in the Soviet Union, and we denounce the doctors with righteous indignation. But when will we see that the same things are happening in the so-called free societies? When will we recognize—and publicly identify—the medical criminals among us?” —Dr. Thomas Szasz, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus