Det amerikanske militær har et hemmelig rum program. I disse programer, og lignende black ops projekter, gør man flittigt brug af børn til eksperimenter med diverse formål. Rebecca Rose er en af disse børn. Hun kommer fra en militær familie, hvor hendes far, blandt andet, arbejdede for Lockhead Martin i hemmelige black ops programmer.

Rebecca Rose documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex
For the first time ever, Rebecca documents her father's top secret career in the military industrial complex and makes a shocking discovery about his true identity that will change her life forever. -- Why was he so obsessed with space? Who was he trying to contact? What is a fractal helix? -- Revelations also include mind-blowing new information about her brother's secret childhood experiences as well as healing, heartening communications from the Mars Mantids and SSP battle memories recovered. Bonus: a special message from the Pigman, Rebecca's comrade and pilot trainer from Planet X.